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Check out our glossary.
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... and then click on Search (or hit Enter)
to start a basic search.
Alternative, you can display all games for
a system by using one of these links.
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You can limit your search by
specifying more details.
Choose a specific platform.
Filter by publisher...
... or developer.
Filter by genre...
... or subgenre.
Limit your search to a specific zone...
... or a particular region or country.
Check this box to search for games only released on the selected platform.
Check this box to search for games only released in the selected zone.
Check this box to search for games only released in the selected region.
Of course, you could also filter by year.
You can search for games released in (=), after (>) or before (<) the selected year.
If you are a collector, you might want to filter for rare games.
As with the years, you can filter for games with the same (=), a higher (>), or a lower (<) rarity than selected.
You can also configure how the search results are presented.
How the results will be sorted.
Whether you want to see all releases,
just the ports or just unique games.
Read up on these concepts in the
How many results should be shown per page.
How the results should be presented. We offer four views:
- Standard: The default view
- List: Tabular view using less vertical space
- Purchase: Convenient links to purchase the games online
- Shelf: A virtual shelf showing only front covers